
Lil Heavenly Treasures is owned by my husband and myself. I handle the art/craft side where he handles the business side. I have been reborning since July, 2016 I have been crocheting, sewing, and doing other types of crafts since I was a small child.

I have always found relaxation in crocheting, sewing, and crafts. When I was a small child I remember a sweet lady, who use to baby sit me, she would put a crotchet needle in my hand and hand me some yarn. She did not believe in sitting a child in front of a TV as a way of babysitting. She felt you should give them something to do with their hands. From there she taught me the joy of crocheting. I truly owe her a lot for this gift. I have carried that joy into my adulthood. She awakened a creative side and a hunger to push myself in everything I do, for that I am thankful.

I have always had a love for dolls and have collected them since I was a child. My love and collection has carried on into my adulthood. I don’t only see just doll but the details and the hard work that goes into them. When I discovered reborn dolls, I thought it was the coolest thing ever and needed to know more. So, what is this craftier to do but start her research. I found there was many hours, a lot of hard work, and love that went into these dolls. Doing my research, the craftier in me had to give it a try. So, I went and told my husband that I need to give this a try, he said go for it. He has always been totally supportive of everything I have done and was supportive in this as well. For me the thought was scary. I had never picked up a paint brush in my life unless you count painting by numbers..LOL But there was a new world of discovery awaiting for me.

The first doll I painted was Morgan by Aleina Peterson (my husband’s favorite to this day). Now looking back, it is not a doll I would recommend for someone starting out but to go back in time I would not change a thing.  I was amazed of the talent that I had, that I did not even know I possessed. From that moment, an artist was born. Trust me when I say, it is one thing to watch the videos and read about how to create a reborn doll. It is another thing to take that knowledge, apply it, and bring that doll to life. It is not until you spend 40 or more painting the doll, on top of the hours baking the doll, and then close to 40 plus hours putting each hair in piece by piece with a rooting needle that you realize and appreciate the hard work that goes into each doll. The Morgan doll I painted will always be the most precious doll in my collections. Even though, being my first creation she has flaws she help me discover something inside me that I felt was missing. If you are reading this and you are an artist I know you understand. It is something that is truly hard to put into words.

There is nothing like the joy you feel when witnessing someone taking possession of one of your creations. Seeing the awe and appreciation of your work in their eyes. I have been very lucky to witness this first hand on more than one occasion. Each doll that you paint becomes a part of you and letting that piece of art go into someone else hands is a feeling I cannot explain. A piece of you goes with your work. Your heart swells with pride and satisfaction when your hard work is appreciated by others.

At the moment Lil Heavenly Treasures does not customize or do portrait reborn dolls. I work a full-time job on top of Lil Heavenly Treasures so my time is very limited. I also like when painting the doll for it to speak to me on how I should paint them. I have not yet tried to do ethnic reborn dolls but hope to learn that craft in the future. 

I know I have spent a lot of time talking about the reborn side but Lil Heavenly Treasures is about more than just the dolls. At the moment, we do bears, dolls, and bath bombs. Being the crafty person I am, I am 100% certain other items will be added in the upcoming future. I am looking at Dragons, bath beads, crochet baby blankets, and many other items that I will be adding to Lil Heavenly Treasures.


Disclaimer: Please remember that reborn dolls are a piece of art and are not meant for small children.